Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Habs lineup

Here's the Habs line up as I see it that will beat up on the Sabres opening night...

A. Kostityn - Pleckanec - "Sexy" Alexei Kovalev

Tanguay - Koivu - Higgins

Pacioretty - Lang - S. Kostityn

Laraque - Chipchura - Begin

Markov - Komisarek

Hamrlik - Georges

Brisebois - Boullion



Latendresse might start on the 3rd based solely on his tenure with the club while Lapierre could center the 4th on opening night at the Bell center.

1 comment:

Swivelhead said...

This is a scary lineup that is very similar to Buffalo's 05-07 lineup. 3 legitimate scoring lines. Gritty 4th line. Solid defense. Good goalie. If Price plays like he did last regular season and not last playoff, then they are the favorite out of the east.